
Monday, March 15, 2010

Big Lebowski Makes Ebert's Great Movies List

Roger Ebert has always done a pretty good job with his column highlighting great movies, some of which are well known (The Godfather, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) others are not.  His most recent addition was The Big Lebowski a movie he originally gave 3 stars.  Ebert has always wanted to be seen as hip, so his sudden acceptance of Big Lebowski isn't much of a surprise, and I'm glad to see it featured here.  Yet, the article just isn't very good, it never captures the essence of the movie.  Worst of all he refers to the Dude as Jeff Lebowski, and fan of the movie knows you don't call him Mr. Lebowski, he's The Dude and thats what you call him or His Dudeness, or Duder or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.  Not to mention some of his other menial observations that don't matter (the similarity of Brant and the Big Lebowski).  A movie like The Big Lebowski deserves such a better article but all of its little plot nuances that don't amount to anything (a check for .69 cents).  Worst off Ebert says the rug pulled the room together!!! How do you screw that line up! Seriously the rug really tied the room together, did it not?  Sadly Ebert continues to grow more detached from the world (Knowing and Lakeview Terrace are apparantly four star movies and The Proposal was a box office disappointment this summer), and his awful article about this classic film is just another example of how far he has fallen.

Roger Ebert on The Big Lebowski