During the writer's strike in 2008, Joss Whedon develope a short film with his brothers called Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog to keep the creative process flowing. What they developed was an amusing musical about the titular aspiring villian, his nemesis Captian Hammer and the woman that they both are after. Neil Patrick proved that his comedic talents as Barney were no fluke by proving his adeptness at music in his amusing role. Nathan Fillion is terrific playing an unlikeable self-centered superhero, and Felicia Day is charming as the love interest.
One of the few stories to make the story from the "villain's" perspective, from the start you want to see Dr. Horrible end up with his love from the laundromat. Meanwhile Captian Hammer just comes off as a total douchebag that strouts his superioty over those he supposedly saves. The music is also wonderful and really contributes to the story and humor. Despite running over just 45 minutes, the film feels complete. The film also feels like a such large production, when in reality old props from Serenity and Firefly were used along with on-location shooting around LA.
If you like NPH and/or Joss Whedon this comes highly recommended - check it out.
They're making a movie...