The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that Rachel McAdams is joining Owen Wilson along with Marion Cotilliard in Woody Allen's yet untitlted next film. Allen after a a mostly lackluster decade finished off with a couple of stronger films with
Match Point and
Vicki Cristina Barcelona. Last year's Whatever Works didn't quite live up to the hype of surrounding it, but Allen is still standing better than he did ten years ago. Of course there was about a fifteen year period where Allen rarely misstepped, that's unlikely to happen again.
As far as McAdams is concerned, she's coming off her biggest year in 2009 since her breakthrough with
Wedding Crashers and Red Eye in 2005. Dramatically she hasn't proven much to me, State of Play was one of last year's more underrated films, but she was far from great in it. The Time Traveler's Wife saw moderate success, while Sherlock Holmes held its own against Avatar over Christmas. Of course the latter's success was more due to the male leads than McAdams presence. Her character was too ancillary to move the meter either way. I think McAdams is very pretty and she works better within a comedy than a drama, so I hope Allen plans this to be more comedic than some of his more recent proceedings.
I like her most in Red Eye and State of Play, but she was basically a nonentitiy to me in Holmes. Hope Allen doesn't fuck up again.
ReplyDeleteyeah i was really shocked to see how unimportant she was in Holmes