
Friday, February 12, 2010

Where is My Generation's Graduate?

Turner Classic Movies is airing The Graduate as part of their 31 Days of Oscar series tonight, and I got to thinking about how this movie in particular has defined the baby boomer generation. Never mind that Dustin Hoffman born in 1937 isn't even part of that generation (Anne Bancroft was only six years older than he), the movie exhibited one young man of that generation discovering the world.  This is only the second time viewing this classic, the first being my freshman year in college.  Either way the movie has stuck with me for it's honesty regarding a confused young adult trying to find his place in an adult world.  Dustin Hoffman's nervousness has he proceeds with the affair and reserving a hotel room are fantastic.  The movie demonstrates the difficulty of a younger generation communicating and fitting in with the older generation. 

Movies in the early 90's tried to replicate some of the same success The Graduate enjoyed to marginal success. Singles and Reality Bites tried to establish a voice for the twenty somethings of Generation X.  Other movies such as Clerks also captured the uncertain state of that generation, but neither is it the landmark film The Graduate is. However, as a member of Generation Y I have noticed my own generation struggling to make our own mark on society and more importantly expressing that struggle. Our high school and college years were the most tumultuous for an age group since those of the late 60's and early 70's. We've grown up dependent on technology and computers, more reliant on Facebook as a means of communication making our relationships less and less personal than ever before. 

Maybe we haven’t had enough time to explore how the aughts have defined us, the significance of 9/11, the Iraq and Afghan wars, Katrina and the recession have certainly left a significant mark on our generation (even if the music has sucked). Yet, no movie has encompassed our niavety and cynacism as we enter the world. Until we get that film The Graduate will have to suffice.

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